2024/06/28 15:52   Announcement of Resignation of The Company’s ...
Announcement of Resignation of The Company’s Financial Officer
DateTime:2024/06/28 15:52:57
  1. Type of personnel changed (please enter: spokesperson, acting spokesperson, important personnel (CEO, COO, CMO, CSO, etc.) ,financial officer, accounting officer, corporate governance officer, chief information security officer, research and development officer, chief internal auditor, or designated and non-designated representatives): Financial Officer
  2. Date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/28
  3. Name, title, and resume of the previous position holder: Kai Hui Chuang / Finance Supervisor
  4. Name, title, and resume of the new position holder:NA
  5. Type of the change (please enter: ”resignation”, ”position adjustment”, ”retirement”, ”death”,”new replacement” or ”dismissal”):Resignation
  6. Reason for the change:Personal career planning
  7. Effective date:2024/07/01
  8. Any other matters that need to be specified:The new financial officer is to be approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors
© 2015 Taita Chemical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2024/06/05 16:34   Announced the members of the 6th-term Remunera...
Announced the members of the 6th-term Remuneration Committee
DateTime:2024/06/05 16:34:01
  1. Date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/05
  2. Name of the functional committees:Remuneration Committee
  3. Name of the previous position holder:
    Mr. Way Yung-Do
    Mr. Chen Tyan-Wen
    Mr. Lee, Kuo-Shiang
  4. Resume of the previous position holder:
    Chairman, YCSY Co., Ltd.
    Chairman, Chia Shih Construction Co., Ltd.
    Chairman, Taiwan Shiseido Co., Ltd.
  5. Name of the new position holder:
    Mr. Way Yung-Do
    Mr. Chen Tyan-Wen
    Mr. Lee, Kuo-Shiang
  6. Resume of the new position holder:
    Chairman, YCSY Co., Ltd.
    Chairman, Chia Shih Construction Co., Ltd.
    Chairman, Taiwan Shiseido Co., Ltd.
  7. Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):term expired
  8. Reason for the change:Newly appointed by Board of Directors
  9. Original term (from __________ to __________):2021/08/04 to 2024/07/25
  10. Effective date of the new member:2024/06/05
  11. Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
© 2015 Taita Chemical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2024/06/05 16:31   Announcement of the ex-dividend record date fo...
Announcement of the ex-dividend record date for earning distribution of year 2023.
DateTime:2024/06/05 16:31:16
  1. Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders meeting or decision by the Company:2024/06/05
  2. Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”, ”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend.
  3. Type and monetary amount of common stock dividend distribution: Cash dividend:NTD0.3 per share,Total NTD119,276,054.
  4. Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:2024/07/25
  5. Last date before book closure:2024/07/28
  6. Book closure starting date:2024/07/29
  7. Book closure ending date:2024/08/02
  8. Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2024/08/02
  9. Deadline for applying the conversion of the bond:NA
  10. The closure period for the conversion of the bond will start from the date:NA
  11. The closure period for the conversion of the bond will end on the date:NA
  12. Payment date of common stock cash dividend distribution:2024/08/23.
  13. Any other matters that need to be specified:None
© 2015 Taita Chemical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2024/06/05 16:29   Anouncement of the Company's Board of Director...
Anouncement of the Company's Board of Directors elected the Chairperson
DateTime:2024/06/05 16:29:11
  1. Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/05
  2. Position (Please enter chairperson or president/general manager): chairperson
  3. Name of the previous position holder:Wu, Yi-Gui
  4. Resume of the previous position holder: Chairperson of Taita Chemical Company, Limited
  5. Name of the new position holder:Wu, Yi-Gui
  6. Resume of the new position holder: Chairperson of Taita Chemical Company, Limited
  7. Circumstances of change (Please enter ”resignation”, ”dismissal”, ”term expired” , ”job relocation”, ”severance”, ”retirement”, ”death” or ”new appointment”):term expired
  8. Reason for the change: Re-elected by the Board of Directors as the previous tenure expired.
  9. Effective date of the new appointment:2024/06/05
  10. Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): None
© 2015 Taita Chemical Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.