Friendly Environment

The company sets up a letter box, provides a proper prosecution channel, keeps confidential the identity of the prosecutor and the content of the prosecution, and clearly stipulates the punishment and complaints system in violation of the integrity management rules. If the content of the report is confirmed, it will promptly disclose the offender on the company's internal website. The title, name, date of violation, violation of content, and handling information.

The internal accusation mechanism is conducted through the company's internal direct mailings, human resource director and audit supervisor's corporate mail box, and the investigation process respects the rights of the parties and strictly observes the principle of confidentiality. If there are any suggestions or complaints from external stakeholders, you can use the following communication channels on TTC's website (

  1. Company Website [Corporate Social Responsibility] - Stakeholder Mailbox
  2. Company website [Investor Service] - Audit Committee Mailbox

The company has established the "Working Ethics and Professional Ethics Regulations" and listed them as new employee training programs. All employees are required to sign all types of job-related city profiles or confidentiality agreements. If any violations occur, they are listed as individuals. Appraisal of performance appraisal, serious cases are punished according to work rules or handled according to law.

Related standard operating procedures:

  1. Employee complaints and opinions
  2. Audit Committee Organization Procedures